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Is it age-related memory loss or dementia?

Is it age-related memory loss or dementia?

Senior couple reminiscing over old photos

Sponsored content by Nikki Easton, Brand Ave. Studios contributing writer You walk into a room and can’t remember why. You watch a movie and can’t recall the name of its famous star. You lose your train of thought in a conversation and ask, “What were we just talking about?” People often call these “Alzheimer’s moments.”… Read more

What is it like living in a Silver Lace Memory Care neighborhood?

Primrose residents mixing baking ingredients while a Primrose staff member looks on.

What is it like living in a Silver Lace Memory Care neighborhood? Silver Lace Memory Care by Primrose residents thrive in structured and predictable environments. By providing residents with as much consistency as possible within their day, we are providing them with greater confidence and a greater sense of security. Primrose Retirement Communities embrace the… Read more

What is Silver Lace Memory Care about?

Two people holding hands.

Life for those living with diagnoses of neurocognitive disorders is a daily struggle. Confusion reigns over so much of their day along with a variety of other additional emotions such as fear, frustration, anxiety, depression, anger, etc. Some emotions are caused by the disease process with which they are living, others are caused by external… Read more

What is Memory Care?

Primrose staff member and resident reminisce over a photo album.

Whether you are a family member looking for options for your loved one or simply seeking knowledge about memory care, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will explore the topic of memory care and provide you with valuable information to help you understand this specialized form of care for individuals with memory loss…. Read more

Introducing Silver Lace Memory Care by Primrose Retirement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE11/1/2023 ABERDEEN, SD – Primrose Retirement Communities has introduced a new name for their memory care service offerings. The name for the services offered within their current memory care assisted living “neighborhoods” is Silver Lace Memory Care by Primrose.  The name will apply to the designated neighborhoods present as a part of 11… Read more

The Invisible Struggle of Dementia: What It Feels Like to Lose Yourself

Elderly couple holding hands in indoor garden area.

Dementia is a progressive disease that affects an individual’s memory, thinking, and behavior. It can be very isolating, as people with dementia may feel confused, frustrated, or scared while struggling to understand their surroundings.  By taking the time to understand their experiences, we can help them feel more comfortable and secure, enabling them to maintain… Read more

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

An older couple dancing to a slow song while smiling.

Caring for a spouse, parent, or close friend with dementia is an emotional journey. And more often than not, navigating the changes in your loved one’s behavior and abilities and how they impact your life feels overwhelming. If someone you love has been diagnosed with early-stage dementia, you’ll have questions about what to expect, what… Read more

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