As individuals age, the need for long-term care becomes a significant consideration. One popular option for those who require some assistance but wish to maintain independence is assisted living. In this blog, we explore the costs associated with assisted living, whether Medicare covers these expenses, and alternative ways to fund this form of care. According… Read more

Still on the fence about moving to a retirement community? We understand this decision takes careful consideration. After all, transitioning from your family home to senior living or assisted living is a major life event. Yet, more often than not, we hear seniors tell us the following when asked why they don’t want to move… Read more

Choosing where you’ll spend your retirement years is a personal decision that depends on several factors. Maybe you find that your current home is too big to upkeep on your own. Or perhaps you’d rather live in an area that’s closer to your grandchildren, so you can watch them grow up. Whatever the reason for… Read more

Happy, positive relationships play a major role in our mental and physical wellness. As humans, we crave socialization and the ability to connect with others who share our same values, passions, and circumstances. Relationships are not limited to family or spouses, however. You may have close friends, neighbors, or community church members with whom you’ve… Read more

Estate planning isn’t always the most popular subject around the dinner table, but it’s certainly one of the most important. As the holidays approach, and we find ourselves spending more time with loved ones, thoughts of the type of legacy we’ll leave behind to them may start to creep into the back of our minds…. Read more

As your family grows, it becomes almost natural to acquire more things: a second car, a larger new home, an inground pool, a backyard patio, a camper/RV, etc. When we’re young and raising a family, it’s as if “stuff” just starts to accumulate without much notice. But what happens when you reach retirement age and… Read more

Last month, we shared an article on the hot sellers’ market we’re seeing take place across the United States. And what we’re learning is it hasn’t slowed down yet. We wanted to talk to another expert in real estate to get an insider’s scoop on what’s happening in the market, and what this means for… Read more

Homeowners are experiencing a hot sellers’ market across the country. In fact, we’re hearing stories every day that people are receiving cash offers for their homes before they’re even listed. Many properties that are active and on the market are selling for higher than their original asking price. What Does This Mean for You? If… Read more

Living life to its fullest potential, and to the best of your ability, is important at any age. But when you reach retirement age, your abilities change, your needs grow, and living an active lifestyle becomes much more challenging. When this happens, people start to think about the prospect of senior living communities. And though… Read more

When you first started planning for retirement, how did you envision spending your retirement years? Maintenance-free? Stress free? Having more time to do the activities you enjoy or maybe trying new hobbies? If retirement living isn’t “living” up to its fullest potential, whether that’s because you’re trying to maintain an older house, or certain activities… Read more