Did you know that your brain actually shrinks in size as you age? Over the years, it can lose up to 10% of its size – meaning that regular exercise is needed to help your brain stay strong and healthy. In fact, older adults may benefit the most from activities that help to foster good… Read more
Most grandparents will tell you, time spent with their grandchildren is among the most special time of all. The bonds formed through this relationship can provide grandchildren with memories to last a lifetime, and grandparents with a chance to pass on knowledge and tradition to a new generation. As the leaves change colors and the… Read more
There is nothing like stepping outside on a cool, sunny morning and taking in a few deep breaths of fresh air. From the cold bite of a crisp winter day to the heat and humidity of the dog days of summer, there is just something about being outdoors that makes you feel better and more… Read more
Staying physically healthy is one of the keys to successful aging. Proper diet and exercise will go a long way toward ensuring that your loved ones avoid diseases like diabetes and heart disease that can commonly affect people as they enter their senior years. Are you concerned about the health of a loved one? Here… Read more
“It’s not the things you accumulate or the money you have in the bank that truly makes you happy.” How many of us have heard this from friends and family members over the years? It turns out they were right all along according to data collected from a study on adult development being conducted at… Read more
Did you know that your heart beats over 100,000 times per day? Since the most important muscle in your body is working that hard for you, don’t you think you owe it a little TLC? Here are five things you can do to make your heart happy. Pay attention to your diet You’ve heard this… Read more
Everyone knows that the secret to healthy living well includes exercise and eating well. However, not everyone knows that there is another factor which is equally as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet: socialization. Again and again, scientific studies have shown that socialization can help us live longer, healthier, and happier lives. The… Read more