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Senior Living - A Blog About the Primrose Lifestyle.

3 Key Nutrients for Seniors

Older woman cooking nutritious meal in kitchen.

With the holidays well underway, it’s easy to get swept up in the fun festivities and overindulge a bit on too many sweets and comfort foods. Pair this with the fact that the New Year is just on the horizon—meaning you might be already thinking about how you’ll make better meal choices come January. But… Read more

Estate Planning for Seniors

An older grandma in kitchen cooking with her grandchildren.

Estate planning isn’t always the most popular subject around the dinner table, but it’s certainly one of the most important. As the holidays approach, and we find ourselves spending more time with loved ones, thoughts of the type of legacy we’ll leave behind to them may start to creep into the back of our minds…. Read more

Assisted Living with Memory Care

Woman and care team in assisted living apartment at Primrose.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 6 million Americans are living with this neurological disease. It’s projected that by 2050, this number will reach 13 million. Age is believed to be the biggest risk factor associated with this condition. Although a family history of Alzheimer’s may also put you at greater risk.  Quite often… Read more

Help Primrose Celebrate Assisted Living Week

Older woman looking at smartphone with granddaughter.

September 12-18, 2021 is National Assisted Living Week. ​​This is an important reminder for all of us about the invaluable role that assisted living plays in our lives, communities, and country.  What Is Assisted Living Week? ALW was established in 1995 by the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) to help spread awareness about long-term… Read more

Financial Planning for Seniors

Grandmother reading to her young grandson.

Balancing a checkbook and saving for the future are all tedious tasks but very important ones, especially as you near retirement. Though there are many opportunities available to help you plan and pay for retirement living, wading through all the options can be daunting, even with the guidance of a financial expert.   To help you… Read more

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