Getting older is hardly something to look upon with fear and trepidation.  In fact, retirement can offer people the extra time to do things they always wanted to do but never had time for – and a whole realm of perks and benefits to make them more enjoyable.  Here are five of them:

Capture One Catalog0716Stay Fit for Less Money:

Senior fitness has never been more popular.  There are immense physical and emotional benefits to staying healthy and active as we age, and communities across the country are offering incentives for seniors to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Check your local fitness centers for special offers as well as community centers and churches.  You may be surprised how easy it is to stay fit on the cheap.

Enjoy Discounted Travel, Entertainment, and More:

If you have not already done so, look into membership with AARP (  It only costs $16 per year to join and you can save on dining, cruises, airline tickets, hotel stays, rental cars, auto repair, apparel, and countless other benefits.  Even without an AARP membership it is always a good idea to ask retailers or service providers if they offer a senior discount.  Many of them do.

Find out if You Qualify for Property Tax Exemptions:

If you own a home, you may be eligible for property tax exemptions or Homestead Credit Benefits.  Contact your local comptroller or tax assessor’s office for additional information because property tax exemptions and Homestead Benefits vary by state and can include credits for school, county, or other types of taxes.

Take Advantage of Medicare Eligibility:

If you are retired and plan on using Medicare (, it is advisable to get enrolled some time during the three months before your 65th birthday.  This assures that you will be covered the day you turn 65.  It also helps you to avoid the 10% cost increase that comes every year past the age of 65 that you wait to enroll.

Get a Free Medicare Physical:

Medicare offers a one-time physical exam for free for all individuals covered under Part B.  Utilize the time before you turn 65 to find out which doctors in your area offer these free exams and what tests they include.

If you’d like to set up a tour of a community near you, please connect with us to schedule a time for a visit.